Sign up now for a chance to see history (June 29, 2017)
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It's a first in Nebraska, and you can be a witness.
In mid-June, Lyman-Richey Corporation and Gerhold Concrete will take part in an open house and demonstration with the Nebraska Concrete Paving Association, showing off the first use of Propex's Reflectex, a bondbreaker material for an unbonded PCC overlay.
June 29, 2017
Blair Library
2233 Civic Drive
(Go to Deerfield Boulevard just off of US 75)
10:00 a.m.
Welcome and Introductions
10:15 a.m.
The Project's Design
11:00 a.m.
Use of Reflectrix as a Bondbreaker
Catered Lunch Served at Library
1:00 p.m.
Field visit to the project site. Bring safety vests and hard hats (required). NCPA will not be furnishing these
3:00 p.m.
Return to library and adjournment
Lyman-Richey's Vice President of Concrete Companies Jarod Hendricks and Vice President of Sales Mark Deetz have volunteered as part of the demonstration, and Gerhold will be furnishing the concrete for the project.
The demonstration is open to anyone interested in learning more about the material, but it will be capped at 30 people for logistical reasons. It is scheduled for June 29, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Follow the Lyman-Richey twitter account for updates.
The group will meet at the Blair Library (2233 Civic Drive) for introductions and a presentation. Lunch will be catered at the library, and a field visit will be held at 1 p.m. Participants are required to bring their safety vests and hard hats.
"Reflectex is a solar reflective concrete pavement interlayer geotextile made of nonwoven polypropylene, needlepunched staple fiber," the Propex website says. "Reflectex offers numerous advantages in an unbonded concrete overlay when compared to a hot mix asphalt interlayer in both cost and performance."
The Chattanooga, Tenn.-based producer of synthetic geotextiles and concrete reinforcement fibers says Reflectex's temperature moderating features is a key feature of the material.
"Reflectex comes in wider rolls, making installation faster and easier. Its ability to lower surface temperatures reduces the overall stress on the concrete pavement, resulting in greater performance and less potential for cracking."
"This is the first time Reflectex has been used as a bond breaker in Nebraska," NCPA Executive Director Bill Cook said. "It's the first time I know of an unbonded PCC overlay being placed on a PCC county road in Nebraska. We have done several over asphalt, but this is the first one over PCC I know of."
For more information or to RSVP for the demonstration, email or call Bill Cook at 402.499.7105, or visit the NCPA event page.