Injury, Accident Numbers Down for Second Year in a Row
Field Safety Specialist Shawn Cassidy gives a safety presentation to Lyman-Richey Corporation employees.
Photo by Lyman-Richey Corporation
Lyman-Richey Corporation employees decreased their number of injuries for the second year in a row in 2017, cutting their number by 27% and lost-time injuries by 22%.
The company-wide numbers also showed a significant decrease from two years ago: injuries down 46% and lost-time injuries down 30%.
“I want to thank everyone for their efforts to work safely in 2017," said Kevin Schmidt, president and CEO of Lyman-Richey Corporation. "There is nothing more important than achieving our safety vision. I encourage everyone to continue to work safely toward this important goal.”
“It takes a lot of effort by all employees across the company to make these kinds of improvements in our injury and lost time numbers," Field Safety Specialist Shawn Cassidy said. "It shows that our core employees are starting to believe that safety always starts and ends with them.”
Cassidy noted that there has also been improvements in accident and incident numbers, too.
Lyman-Richey Corporation stresses that to every employee. Last year, the company was awarded Nebraska Safest Company recognition for the fifth year in a row by the Nebraska Safety Council. And the company's sand and gravel operations earned seven Certificates of Achievement in Safety from the Mine Safety and Health Administration.
Last fall, the safety department brought back the peer safety committee, known as the Safety Alert Team, a core group of employees that meets regularly to discuss and propose safety initiatives to the department.
Cassidy said initiatives like the Safety Alert Team help the department identify potential safety problems from the workers' perspectives, which can translate into ideas and solutions that make sense for everyday realities.
"Safety is a very important part of our organizational culture," he said. "It's what makes us who we are as a company."
“That every employee returns safely to their family at the end of their shift.”